The Hive's Journey

Starting a business sure ain't easy. Well, who said it was? Haha...I thought it would be nice idea to have the creation, the growth and happenings of The Hive archived and shared with everyone. It's like seeing a child grow and have a special affiliation with it. Happy reading and have a wonderful Journey with The Hive : The Backpackers' Hostel.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

A greedy housekeeper doing his "shopping"

Your diligent housekeeper had been wanting to top-up the brochures but did not have the time to do so and since he had mobility today, he decided to make a trip down to the Singapore Visitors' Centre (SVC) to collect the brochures.

Wooh! SVC has got a new facelift. Nice~ He went in there and saw so many staff. Imagine 6 people greeting you "Hello, welcome!" and tt's ony like half of the working strength there. I think the service in Singapore is the best only in SVC. They are paid to serve and smile.
One of the staff approved him and asked how she could help. He told her that he's just here to collect some brochures. "Ok. Sure" was the reply from the staff.

Oh yes, forgot to tell you that the housekeeper, being an experienced brochure collector, brought along a big bag. A bag bigger than any of the ones he brought on previous occasions. He knows he's going to need it.

Zoo, take. Night Safari, take. Bird park, take. Sentosa, take.....take...take...basically whatever he thinks the backpackers' would need he took. And he knows he would need alot of them firstly is because these are the most popular choices of the guests and secondly it will last him some time before he needs to replenish them.

Just as he was getting the hang of it (and i tell you, he was certainly thrilled as more brochures went into the bag), there was this lady who approached him. Looking into the bag and swallowing her saliva, she asked where he is from. She was surprised why he was referred to her branch to collect the brochures. He told her that their website stated that there is no delivery for corporate clients so they have to help themselves the thie HQ or any visitors' centre. Well, the ever understanding housekeeper acknowledged that SVC (Orchard) also gets their supplies from the HQ and that their branch is the busiest among the rest of the SVCs so he said he will get from their HQ.
By then, his bag is already half full, or half empty. Hahaha. The staff then asked what are the other brochures that he would need and she will advise if he can take them as some are running low in supply. He pointed out a few and she was ok. Yes! There he go again...on his spree.
He point to the maps on display and requested to get some but the staff recommend another one instead. The not so beautifully designed and should be quite an outdated one. Why? Because it was not displayed and was kept in the cupboard. The staff then passed him like, 100 copies? And without saying anything, her colleague passed her a slip of request form for the housekeeper. A form to request for brochures. They must have been bitching behind his back before she even approached him. Damn~
Even knowing that they have been gossiping behind his back, the housekeeper still smiled and talked very politely to the staff. High level of endurance huh? +_(*^##!&&^%&^

How can he stay any longer? All eyes must be on him now. A quick "thank you" and he grabbed his bag and headed for the door. Woah! F**king heavy. No! Must act as though it's nothing. The way back to the car was not very long but when he reached, boy was he sweating. It's heavy mind you!

The whole SCV must be talking about him after he left. He is sure. He can't be wrong. He is especially sensitive to such things. Haha..The Hive is famous now...or should i say..infamous. Haha


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