The Hive's Journey

Starting a business sure ain't easy. Well, who said it was? Haha...I thought it would be nice idea to have the creation, the growth and happenings of The Hive archived and shared with everyone. It's like seeing a child grow and have a special affiliation with it. Happy reading and have a wonderful Journey with The Hive : The Backpackers' Hostel.

Monday, May 02, 2005

1st Massive Gathering

Well, the much awaited gathering was held yesterday. About 60 people turned up and the place was really packed at around 8plus. Everyone was busy catching up and updating one another about their happenings and about their future plans.

I didn't ask if the food was sufficient but the drinks were quickly exhausted carton after carton. The only regret last night was the air-conditioning. It disappointed us when it matters the most. You could feel the heat and people are pespiring. Some had to sit outside the walkway which is alot cooler even though the weather these days were on the high side.

Still, I am very happy to see all of them. Some of them i have not seen for a year. I am very sure everyone enjoyed the conversations. I could not talk to everyone yesterday but would love to do some catching up with these people. If you are one of these people and is reading this, you may want to drop by The Hive and we can chat.

Of course, anyone can drop by anytime. I have had some offers to use The Hive for birthdays and definitely, the place is available if notice is given in advance.

And, ORD party!!!! Will try to organise it in platoon level so that it's not so packed...will update in due time.

Right's quiet...really quiet...l.o.n.e.l.y.....=)


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