The Hive's Journey

Starting a business sure ain't easy. Well, who said it was? Haha...I thought it would be nice idea to have the creation, the growth and happenings of The Hive archived and shared with everyone. It's like seeing a child grow and have a special affiliation with it. Happy reading and have a wonderful Journey with The Hive : The Backpackers' Hostel.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bad judgement

Remembered in May i wrote about this 50+ yr old man who came in the wee hours? His name is Jack West. He was featured in Sunday's Newpaper. If you can get your hand on it, you can read about what an ass**** he is.

If i were to talk about him during his stay here it would be a really long entry. I will get to what my intention of this entry is.

When i first wanted to chase him away due to the things he has done and his dishonesty, his attorney called me. She was trying to help his family get visas into the US. She was trying to persuade me into letting him stay and said that if i don't, he might go back to USA and then write bad things about Singapore. This, she said, will affect the diplomatic ties between USA and Singapore.

What crap right? I could not out-talk her so Jack stayed on.

Now the Newpaper reported that he has not only been ungrateful, he used vulgarities on the people / organisation that helped him and his family.

After reading it, i wanted to call the attorney to tell her how she had misjudged Jack. But i remember throwing it away some time ago as i thought i would not need it anymore. I pity Jack's family. This kind of person should be kicked real hard in the ass

Monday, October 17, 2005

What do you do when your customer has no money to pay for his stay? Part 2

Right, yesterday that guy decided to leave for Malaysia to rest his VISA in Singapore.

So i made a decision. I told him that we have given up hope that we can get back the money and will write it off like a bad debt.

He will only be back in Singapore on 20 Oct and if by then he does get the money and wants to pay us, definitely we are taking it. If by the time he returns and does not have the money, i told him that we will not be taking him in anymore.

We have done all we can to help (we even bought him a McDonald's meal before he left) and from now on he is by himself. Whether he meant to deceive us or not it doesn't matter now.

Lesson learnt...blacks...starting to lose faith in them....bit by bit

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

What do you do when your customer has no money to pay for his stay?

Yes...what will you do?

He's got no money
He's looking for a job
He's looking for a room
He's a degree holder
He's waiting for his family to send some money....waiting
Bottom line - he owes us $300 (and counting)

What will you do?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Trying hard for an entry

I don't know if i have mentioned but personally i do not like writing (typing for this case) journals. Simple, i have limited vocab and it is going to be really boring if i do not try hard enough to make the entry at least 'pleasing' to read.
But i try my best to have an entry everytime i have some inspiration. I have a few supporters for this blog and backed by a popualr demand by one of them i have decided to add an entry.

Well, i thought since i am still waiting for our guests to sleep, i might as well do something rather than sit there an waste away.

A little update about The Hive:

1) The dream kitchen may not materialise. It does not add value to bring the kitchen down to the Darkroom area and we need the area to hang our laundry in case of bad weather. But it is alright. They are comfortable with the little kitchenette upstairs. The only hassle for us is that we will need to regularly go up and check on the cleanliness of the place. To tell the truth, some guests' civic mindedness = zero. I do grumble but it is my job to clean up after them. Customer service.. so...ya...suck we in the Army would say.

2) We have been doing rather well for the past months so our morale is higher. We were told about the dip in arrivals in Oct and Nov so we are hoping the dip would not be too drastic.

3) The cafe is yet to open to public as we do not have the license. It is a pain in the a##. They want a floor plan drawn to scale with all the measurements and highlight the operation area but they do not want us to send my email or fax for fear that when they print it out, it would not be to scale. I had to mail to them two different copies of the plan cos i seriously do not know what they want.

4) We are into little discussions about expanding our operations. Nothing concrete yet but it is our vision to have a branch in Singapore. Will keep you updated on the latest decisions

I have a dream...a dream where all my friends can all work together in one big company. Each of us have our own strengths so it would be the most fulfilling thing to tap on all the strengths of everyone and then accomplishing big things. It is not impossible but will take time and a lot of luck and fate.

I have to tell you about the most exciting thing that happened yesterday. I didnt know what magazines Dennis brought in the other day until i decided to pull one out yesterday. It was a mag about food. It is called EAT! Loads of recipes and good food locations. The information inside is certainly usefull. I compiled all the recipes that were meant to be detached and then tried a dessert. Tasted fine...not too bad for the first time. I had always loved to cook. But i didnt want to go for classes or courses like Shatec...i guess i do not like to be tied down with a schedule. I like to learn it at my own time...when i please. May not turn out well the first try but sure to perfect it after a few times. And one funny thing...i will not do things like salad or anything to do with veg cos i simply DON"T LIKE THEM! A chef needs to try his creations and if you cook something you do not like, you can't try. Simple explaination but very valid huh? =)

Right...pretty long...better not bore you further....shall save the boredom for the next entry.
