Hive ll ready for biz
Hive ll would be ready to serve it's customers by next week. Although it would not be in the best condition to receive customers, i am sure with the discount that we are giving no one will mnd staying there.
I am very sure they will love our Japanese concept rooms. Simply beautiful!
I have been overloaded with work recently because of the new place. This month alone I have made 4 errors in terms of rooms availability. I keep forgetting to delete the availability and then there are double bookings. There is one where i made sure i had deleted but there was still someone who made a booking.
It just happens. Private rooms are sooooooo popular. Whenever i forget to update, there would be a booking. It is almost certain that a doubel booking will occur.
One man running 2 places. It's shit. Trust me. Remember I said starting a business ain't easy? Now try starting another one and running the first one at the same time. Sometimes i feel my tolerance / stress level is quite low. I get pretty disturbed by the amount of work I have to do but after a while I would be fine again.
We are taught as leader to delegate work...but i have failed...or is it that there is no one to assign work to??
I am very sure they will love our Japanese concept rooms. Simply beautiful!
I have been overloaded with work recently because of the new place. This month alone I have made 4 errors in terms of rooms availability. I keep forgetting to delete the availability and then there are double bookings. There is one where i made sure i had deleted but there was still someone who made a booking.
It just happens. Private rooms are sooooooo popular. Whenever i forget to update, there would be a booking. It is almost certain that a doubel booking will occur.
One man running 2 places. It's shit. Trust me. Remember I said starting a business ain't easy? Now try starting another one and running the first one at the same time. Sometimes i feel my tolerance / stress level is quite low. I get pretty disturbed by the amount of work I have to do but after a while I would be fine again.
We are taught as leader to delegate work...but i have failed...or is it that there is no one to assign work to??