The Hive's Journey

Starting a business sure ain't easy. Well, who said it was? Haha...I thought it would be nice idea to have the creation, the growth and happenings of The Hive archived and shared with everyone. It's like seeing a child grow and have a special affiliation with it. Happy reading and have a wonderful Journey with The Hive : The Backpackers' Hostel.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Security glitch

No worries people....we didnt waste the 900 bucks on the security access system

What happened was that we had 2 unnoticed visitors in the span of less than 15mins.

1st unnoticed chap - A man in his 40ties and bearded to the max! Sounds foreign and i asked where he is staying now (cos he is not carrying anything and said he will be back later) and he said he just arrived. Must be foreign right?

2nd fella - In his 50ties, local, well groomed and polite. Asked me about the place and my name. Told him my surname was Han and he asked if i was Hainanese. I expected it i tell you! Every elderly person who knows my surname will ask the same question so it was nothing new. What was new is that he started listing all the Hainanese surnames and mentioned a few ex-ministers in the 60ties who had a Hainanese surname. Then he went on telling me about these ministers, about how they received bribes and then were either jailed or sent out of the country. Went on and on....and then he when he had nothing more to add, he decided he should take his leave.

Now...where was the security srew up? Why nobody noticed thier entry? It was like this....

A contractor was here to mend the leakages so i left the door open as they would need to walk in and out. And i was facing my computer at my counter thus didnt bother about the people walking in and out. That was when the foreign man walked in.
Once a while i would check the door and see if there was anyone and then the foreigner gave me a shock. Damn! He was really quiet moving around. God knows where he went before i noticed him.
So lesson learned, i closed the glass door at the side. didnt occur to me that Louis left from the front door and did not lock it after him. So...yes...that's where the other man came from

From where i am at the counter, i could only see half the door and it was pretty dark in the gallery. Again, i was facing my computer and then when i looked up, i see the man standing between the lounge and gallery. F**k! If it had been later in the night, he would have scared the shit out of me. The rest you would have known.

The morale of this story: You tell me


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